Under Lockdown: A Letter of Support

by - March 31, 2020

Its March 2020. The COVID-19 has taken the world by storm. This is an offer of respite - for me, and for many others. I hope you know who you are. 

Hey, you. I don't know how else to start except to cut right to the chase. You're one of the closest friends I have. Not in the traditional sense, no. Our friendship is a little different. We know how to have fun when we're together don't we? We don't really get into all that emotional stuff too much, except when its really needed.

And I think its really needed now. Because with the kind of relationship we have, I don't think I could ever say these words to your face. So here I am writing it all down, for you to read and then forget about.

Let me just tell you this, man. Whoever meets you, gets to call you their friend, gets to enjoy with you, is one lucky bastard. You are, quite literally, the life of the party. I don't think I have ever met anyone with so much energy, gusto, and commitment to going crazy as much as you do. And for that, I love you. I just wish things had happened in better circumstances. I just wish you did not have to go through all the shit that has happened these past few years. Because you, out of all the hundred billion people in this world, deserve a break.

Yes, you do some stupid shit sometimes. And yes, I get mad but I never say it. At least not to you. But I know that behind all of that bravado and the "I don't give a fuck" facade, there's a person who really, truly cares - a person who touches everyone he meets in a different way - makes them a better, fun, and more lively person.

Our North India trip was supposed to be a one in a million shot at having the time of our lives together, and I know that it didn't really turn out the way we wished it had, but two, three years from now, if we look back on everything that we've done together, I bet your ass we're going to be having huge smiles on our faces. You introduced me to a different world. A better world. And for that I will always love you.

I hope I see you soon. I hope we keep in touch, much after everything in this phase of our life is over. And most of all, I hope you stay the same. Don't let anyone bring you down. Do what you do, the best way you know how. I love you <3 

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