Under Lockdown: To Everyone's Best Friend

by - April 19, 2020

Its April 2020. The COVID-19 has taken the world by storm. This is an offer of respite - for me, and for many others. I hope you know who you are. 

Hey, you. How've you been? Its been quite a while since we caught up with each other. I hope you're OK, and I hope everyone back home is safe and sound. I'm writing to you because I think it's time we talk about just how noble I think you are. Throughout all the years that I have known you, I have never met a better person, man. I'm saying this honestly and frankly - you are a genuinely good person, and literally everybody you meet wants to be your best friend.

I'm luck to have known you, I hope you know that. We've done some stupid things along the way together, in school and afterwards, and I'm going to cherish those memories with me forever. I sometimes feel like you got the short end of the stick with the game we're all playing - very conveniently called "life" - but I think you're an inspiration to everyone with the easy going attitude you've got built up against any hardship that comes your way. I will always admire that about you - how you've never once let something put you down for too long.

You deserve the best that this world has to offer, and I mean it every which way. Everything that you're going through, and have been through, is just a step forward for you to become and stronger, better, and more patient man. And seriously, any girl would be lucky to have you. As a brother, as a lover, or just as a best friend. You play all the roles (and more, if I'm missing out any) without any effort - its just a natural skill that you possess, and one I hope you never lose.

I hope I get to see your business running wild and free to the top one day. And I hope I'm there right alongside with you, ready to help in any way I can. I hope one day you leave behind all the negativity and problems, and soar into your own being. Because guess what? We've still got a trip pending to the fastest roller coaster in the world together. And I couldn't think of a better person to go there with <3 

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